Encouraging an approach IS making the first move...
Smiles, long looks, swishing of hair, body positioning, posture, sucking in the tummy, pretending to be "of interest" to other competition in the room... all of these are examples of a woman "doing" something to invite a chosen male. Hence...seems to me that women often initiate...
I agree with the comment regarding mens attraction being physical and womens being presence...
Doesnt it seem like that, in nature, the male is normally the smaller percent of the herd/flock/group? In that case, the females have to WORK to draw attention to themselves. Just natural that it follows that many women like to draw mens attention with the intent ...leading to pursuit? Generally speaking, I prefer natures methods.
LOL...after saying that... I will confess. I made the first move on my "to be" husband and literally DRUG his shy ass to bed the first time!!!
To each his own.
Its ALL good.