Life and change...
This discussion brings to my mind a statement my philosophy teacher made in a class one day. I can't remember it word for word however it was something like how we don't question some things, for example we go to bed and not think twice about the sun coming up the next day. We take that for granted. But when we really sit back and think about it, what is to say that it will? What is to say that something won't happen to change that?
This planet has been evolving and changing since it's creation. We may have accelerated this warming process but with the discovery of these peat bogs perhaps naturally this was always going to happen. In my mind, given the history of the planet, I can't see how we can expect everything to stay as stable as it has been in our history.
One thing I do hope for is that during this time of discovery and realisation, we can become more conscientious toward the consequences of our actions, and see how our attitudes and careless thought impacts the global system.
What we do affects not only others... it affects more than we could ever imagine...
To those who wander but who are not lost...
~ Knowledge is not something you acquire, it is something you open yourself to.