There have been arguments about the significance and reality of global warming for several decades.
The equator is slowly moving upward as the earth takes on a more egg-shaped appearance. Yet countries in South America are experiencing higher levels of UV rays.
Some reports have said that global warming began with the beginning of the Industrial Age, well over 100 years ago, thinning and eventually creating a 'hole' in the ozone layer. (Side note: Lewis Black, the comedian did a bit saying, 'we have the technology, we have Saran Wrap, FIX it!")
Debates will probably go on for decades as to whether the greenhouse effect is real, is man-made or a product of planetary evolution. Some things are done that are completely avoidable, ie: clear cutting forests. Vehicles can and do run on alternate fuels, producing far less pollutants and heat, but Oil Cartels have a death grip on that technology.
I won't be here when catastrophe strikes. I truly pray it won't as my children age either.
Don't blame me. I didn't vote for either of'em.