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Old 08-11-2005, 11:07 AM   #25 (permalink)
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Location: You don't want to live here
Originally Posted by Glava
It's quite sad that so many people in this thread advocate violence, especially toward children. The only situation where hitting a child is acceptable is when the child assaults someone else physically and self-defence is in order. Even then, the violence should be kept to a minimum and stopped when the child is calmed down/restrained. In any other case, such as this, there should be a stiff non-physical punishment.

I don't think I could love or even respect someone who hit me to discipline me. If violence makes a parent feel more proactive, then perhaps the parent should really consider not haivng any more kids.

No, I do not have children. And I am not a hippie, I swear.
I think you are confusing the word violence with discipline. These people aren't talking about hitting children with bats or fists or a bag of kittens. A swat on the butt is not violence. I got the belt as a kid when I was at my worst - which, funny, NEVER HAPPENED AGAIN.

I think this time-out bullshit has led to the, lack of a better word, pussification of kids. They are more smart-mouthy than I think we were. The use of physical disciplining is like drugs, what works for you and your kids may not work for somebody else.

And for the one who said he shoulda been put in jail for the fridge dent incident. OMFG - You are the type of person who has helped make parents impotent to misbehaving kids in public when said kids really deserve a wack.
Maybe it was over when she chucked me out the Rover at full speed.
Maybe Maybe...

Last edited by astrahl; 08-11-2005 at 11:13 AM..
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