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Old 08-11-2005, 08:17 AM   #16 (permalink)
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Location: Colorado
Originally Posted by shakran
Good lord. The kid mouths off to mom and you guys are advocating beating the hell out of him.

hit the refrigerator a foot off the ground and left a nifty dent as a reminder
That's called child abuse. You should have been jailed.

We do not do our children any favors by teaching them that violence is wrong unless someone calls you a name. My kid called my wife a fucking whore once. He'll never do it again, and I didn't have to maul him to get that result. Stripping his room of everything but a mattress and a topsheet for six months, and making him my wife's slave for the same time period cured that, and we got a great garden planted out of it, and I didn't have to bust one rock to do it.

If you can't control yourself well enough to avoid slamming your daughter into appliances or wailing on your kid with a broom handle you need therapy.

The one and only time my oldest talked to my wife like that, she also took a swing at her.
You neglected to include the part where my daughter took a swing at my wife. While I'm not particularly easy to provoke, that's a pretty sure way to do it. My daughter was never in any danger, I was looking to make a very strong impression on a 15 year. It worked.

My daughter is now 25 and reasonably well adjusted. Parenting is a learn as you go proposition, slamming her into a refrigerator may not have been the best solution, but reasoning with her at 15, obviously wasn't working either. I was and am still willing to take my chances with DCFS.
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