Originally Posted by JinnKai
Bodyhammer did you read the article about RAPING AND KILLING? Or did you miss that part.. ? It's far more than funny pictures, thats just all we're allowed to see.
What proof is there of this? Some unnamed "Republican Senator". Yeah, that screams credibility. Why, I think based soley on this unsubstantiated, unnamed claim that the whole Bush administration should be arrested /sarcasm.
And yes, we all know that the terrorists raped and murdered and tortured civilians. That argument is called a straw man. A straw man argument seeks to draw the argument away from the isuse at hand (american mistreatment of prisoners) with a seemingly related issue (iraqi mistreatement of prisoners). You're allowed to use that argumentation strategy, but it does nothing to justify the US treatment. "These guys did something bad, ours wasn't nearly as bad" is what your argument says, without addressing what WE did bad.
This is really annoying. If you want to lecture people on proper debate form, at least get your terms right. That is not a straw man argument, a straw man argument is deliberately attacking an argument or claim from a weak direction. A straw man argument doesn't seek to divert from one topic to another, it seeks address a topic from a weaker point than the optimum. If anything, his argument would be a circumstantial ad hominem.
And as for that argument, I have yet to see any proof of wrongdoing that would warrant the outcry that liberals make. There was one verified area of humiliating acts being performed on prisoners (not torture) at abu ghraib, and some other issues of harrassment at gitmo (again, not torture). Again, anyone thinking there are "atrocities" being commintted wholesale by the US armed forces has no logical reason for doing so, and believes that because of personal adgenda, not due to evidence.