Elphaba claims, as I have quoted above, that it is not true that partial birth abortions are performed exclusively on well-developed fetuses. I suppose this depends on your definition of “well-developed”, but Elphaba’s following several paragraphs provide rather damning evidence for her claim above.
Politico, it appears we are using differing definitions of what constitutes a "well-developed" fetus. Your definition appears to address the size of the cranium alone, whereas I define it as involving the entire fetus including organ functioning. Please recall that one of the reasons for performing a D&X procedure is due to a severe form of hydrocephalus. I would also argue that a premature infant, weighing only one or two pounds may be viable, but no medical professional would consider it "well-developed." The evidence I presented rests on the definition that I have given you here, which does damage to your argument rather than mine.
Thirdly, if the fetus is dead, by all means, the woman may end her “pregnancy”. As for the badly malformed fetus argument, however, take a look at this well-known anecdote:
http://www.guardian.co.uk/uk_news/s...1439312,00.html – Essentially, a late-term abortion was carried out on a woman in England because her fetus was “seriously handicapped”: it had a cleft lip. So, I ask Elphaba, is genetic retardation a serious genetic defect? What about autism, or paraplegia, or missing a limb? This is a very, very, very dangerous road to go down. I won’t turn this into a slippery slope argument, suffice to say that this justification has already been badly abused and that having a defective fetus is insufficient justification for aborting a viable human child.
I applaud you that you chose not to go the route of the "slippery slope" argument, but a strawman argument regarding two doctors in England does more to support my viewpoint than yours. Once again, a legal procedure was politicized by the religious beliefs of a vicar. Fortunately, the rule of law had precedence:
Jim England, the chief crown prosecutor for West Mercia, said the doctors believed, in good faith, that there was a substantial risk the child would be seriously handicapped. "In these circumstances, I decided that there was insufficient evidence for a realistic prospect of conviction and that there should be no charges against either of the doctors," he said.
Politico, I believe we both agree that under rare circumstances the D&X procedure is a valid alternative. I think our only argument rests in who should define those circumstances. You support legislation at the Federal and State level, whereas I believe that politicians are not competent to make those decisions. I believe that their attempts to do so are simply pandering to a very vocal religious sector that wishes to impose their moral beliefs upon those that do not share the same beliefs.
I propose that politicians stay out of involving themselves in medical procedures. Each State has a medical oversight board that determines valid procedures and has the authority to sanction any doctor who chooses to disreguard specific prohibitions. I also strongly support that the patient and her doctor have greater knowledge of the need for a D&X than any legislative entity.
Politico, let us agree to leave this devastating decision to the patient, her doctor, and the State medical board, under which that doctor is regulated.