Originally Posted by ironman
I rest my case...
Oh, come on. You can do better than that.
Originally Posted by ironman
Many talk about religious fanatism as one of the main causes for terrorism and violence in the world, but they fail to see that patriotic fanatism is doing as much harm if not more than the first.
What do you think led hundreds of thousands of English, Australians and Americans into the grinder in WW2? It sure as hell wasn't common sense.
Look here. China had fourteen MILLION civilian deaths.
The Japanese were no less savage than the Nazis. Do you think they'd have surrendered without an utter show of force like the nuke?
It took troops marching on a flattened Berlin to convince the Nazis to surrender, and they didn't have a long-held ideal that their leader was divine, unlike the Japanese. To suggest that their military would just lay down their arms without utter defeat imminent is almost ludicrous.
Originally Posted by Pacifier
The biggest reason for the bomb was to show the Russians the finger.
I question your ethics. You really put the value on those that died as nothing but a show of force to the Russians? You realize, I hope, without their hope WW2 would have been lost to us, and the US did know that, believe it or not.