Cmon, these are the exceptions that prove the rule (T.Gore, H. Clinton). The rule being that Conservatives support a bigger more invasive federal government that controls what people are able to see and hear. I'd be surprised if the 700 club hasn't already dedicated a few hours of showtime to GTA and other video games. Jerry Falwell couldn't handle Teletubbies, so I suspect those close to him have kept him insulated from GTA and other pop culture lest his head explode.
When it comes to actual censorship with consequences for our democracy there's no doubt about it, Conservatives lead the way. "There are reminders to all Americans that they need to watch what they say, watch what they do, and this is not a time for remarks like that," Ari Fleischer. I can't think of another quote so drastically out of line with my concept of what America is.