Sounds like a shit sandwich to me. I ask my GF questions about females all the time. She says that if a girl ever says anything like "I need to think about it" or "I really like you but I don't want a boyfriend" then it's just another way of saying, "no thanks." I've had people around me date girls that said things like that. They even keep it up saying that "they really like the guy." Then after a few days it's basically game over, I hate you.
Of course, if the girl really was "checking you out" at the party then ya never know. I don't really know why I'm talking because girls are completely idiotic about dating most of the time. If a girl doesn't like a guy, she should say so IMMEDIATELY if he acts interested in dating. There is nothing, and I mean NOTHING worse than being led on. The assholes get the girls and the nice guys finish last. That's the only advice I can give.