This has probably reached a "Politics" level of discussion.
Originally Posted by Ustwo
Yes so its ok if troops go without for a war you don't 'support' but you 'support' them for a war you do like.
So you don't really support the troops as much as support the wars you care for?
This is really a quite simple question.
IF the troops are in Iraq, and they needed supplies they could only get by rationing, AND you wouldn't be willing to ration, THEN you do not support the troops at all. You support wars you like.
Again, I don't recall a referendum for the war in Iraq. I will not voluntarily support anything that I find unconscionable. I "support" the war in Iraq every time I pay my taxes. I'm sure any rationing would be equally involuntary.
I expect my government to go about financing a war with exactly the same diligence that they use in starting one. Looks like both were inept in this case.