I would support rationing if it were necessary to support the action in Afganistan. I would not support it for Iraq.
Originally Posted by Ustwo
This country gets to determine policy almost every 2 years (the house/senate are just as important as the president) and while I can understand taking it out on the leaders you don't like there, I can't see it after the votes are cast.
Supporting the troops means making sure they have what they need, reguardless if you like the policy or not. You can try to get them back home and surrender and thats fine if you think thats a wise policy, but in the mean time they are still there, and while military defeat may bring them home sooner, witholding supplies means there will be more comming home in body bags.
There wasn't a referendum on Iraq on my last ballot. Just a choice between two really lousy presidential candidates. The congressional candidates on my ballot weren't much better.
I find the war in Iraq unconscionable. While I realize that the troops that are there had no choice in the matter, I can not and will not voluntarily support an action that I feel is morally wrong.