My writing skills are so atrocious, that I wouldn't dare go back and reread anything I have ever written, between typos, spelling errors, grammar errors, and basically just shooting off my mouth.. I write what is on my mind at the time... and if I actually took the time to edit myself, I probably would never post anything because I'd be so critical of what I was writing, that I'd never hit... POST.
My journal is another story, recently I found a journal I kept when I spent a two months on a business trip in Australia... and to be honest, some of it was really good funny --least I thought it was... I gave it to an editor buddy of mine... just cause I thought some of it was funny stuff - i wasnt looking to become the next Bill Bryson (though that's a fantasy)and they were honest enough to tell me that-yeah, your writing does suck...

Oh well...
I write because I like to, I sometimes think I am funny, but every so often I will catch something I said in an old thread - and think to myself - Damn, you really are obnoxious...
/me shrugs -- all part of being me I suppose