There are a few interesting subtleties in the ground battles. The wooded areas are indeed a big help. There are also some interesting bonuses that affect things. Melee types have a bonus when attacking most ranged fighters. You don't want to use melee fighters against any sort of indians but ranged attacks seem to work better than usual. Having the higher ground helps some, especially since it increases the distance of ranged attacks. I've had occasional success at creating bottlenecks or cover for my ranged attackers with the rocky ground.
I have a few questions. Are cavalry weaker in the woods? Is it just superior numbers in the attacking unit that give a morale bonus? Is there any way to affect the distribution of troop types or the size of units (such as what nation they're from or how many are recruited at a time)? When do you get a flank attack bonus?
Henry Morgan's ship sounds amazing. I won't sell it off so quickly next time. I have been using Captain Kid's.
I have achieved 15 dancing flourishes in a row and ended a dance with 12. I think the only difference is a slight change to the cut scene at the end of the dance. It still beats collecting stars in a platformer.
*edit* My mother-in-law is visiting this week and I have her addicted to SMP now. Arrgh! */edit*
Last edited by MichaelFarker; 08-09-2005 at 12:18 PM..