Originally Posted by pocon1
Reality check here. First of all, the Japanese were not exactly the nicest people to be involved with in combat. They murdered Chinese civilians by the millions (look up the Rape of Nanjing). They thought that kamikaze attacks were fantastic, and the entire country believed in them. They also thought their emperor was divine, and we know that people willing to die for their god are assholes. Also, the so-called "rules of combat" have changed. The Germans thought nothing of bombing the hell out of London for a couple of years. They also used Big Bertha to shell Paris in WWI. We bombed the snot out of Germany at that time too. Now, you accidently wipe out a few hundred civilians in the middle of a city that we are at WAR with, and everyone throws a hissy fit. I see nothing wrong with using the best tools at hand to win a war. The Japanese attacked us in their arrogance thinking that a preeemptive strike would cow us and keep us out of the Pacific. HA! Maybe the Japanese should apologize again for bayoneting american pows and for beheading our soldiers. Also for Pokemon.
The main thing I agree with is pokemon. Oh, and your statement "I see nothing wrong with using the best tools at hand to win a war". Absolutely. Otherwise, there would be nobody using mustard gas, or enriched uranium shells, or bomblets.
The Japanese did attack you with pre-emptive arrogance (blockade notwithstanding) But they had built up their arrogance because in their national psyche, they were a super power. sounds familiar. They should apologize for the many war time transgressions. But as the colonol said in the Bridge Over the River Kwai: "Those are just stupid rules. This is War!" and thus: two atomic bombs used in quick succession. Ah the best tools at hand, and it was War!