Originally Posted by CityOfAngels
Question for the almighty Gilda:
I stopped collecting comics when I was in high school, but I still have my collection. I have a lot of what I would call "cool" comics like almost the complete Age of Apocalypse collection, I think I still have Shadowhawk #1, Wildcats #1, I have this thick one I think it's called X-Men Alpha or something like that (it was a one-shot). I even have those Resident Evil comics, all issues signed by the artists and writers. Would it be worth my time trying to sell these? And other than eBay, is there a good online source that can give me a general idea of how much my books cost? I'm not expecting to make millions, but they do hold some sort of sentimental value as I was really big on collecting, and the only real reason I don't pick back up on collecting is because I now collect basketball cards, which consumes a ton of my money and time.
You can go to Mile High Comics, and check out what they're charging for your books, but that's really only a vague guideline, and you'd only get a fraction of the price you see there.
A better way would be to do a search of completed auctions on eBay for the issues you want to sell and check to see what they cost.
The particular issues you list aren't worth a lot, and having the artist and/or writer sign is nice for nostalgia value, but seldom adds anything to the value of the book, unless it's an issue that is otherwise valuable and you can authenticate the signature. A Jack Kirby signed Fantastic Four #1 would be a treasure, a Scott Lobdell signed FF #1 from volume 2 is worth maybe cover.
The Onslaught issues aren't really valuable, because they led into the Heroes Reborn fiasco that pretty much everyone sees as the darkest time in Marvel History.
If they mean anything to you, I'd keep them for nostalgia value, as you're unlikely to get much for them by selling them.
When I'm paring back my collection to make room, I tend to sell off the books I don't longer feel any affection for, rather than looking to make a buck. The one big profit I've made is on Amazing Spider-Man #36, which I bought 200 copies of for about $1.25 each, then resold for $40 to $50 each. It's the last big book that I think will have any lasting value.
Oh yeah, I still have that Uncanny X-Men w/ the first appearance of Onslaught. Is that in demand anymore?
Nope. Onslaught is generally considered a blot on Marvel history.