Damn, I didn't even find out until this monday morning. I was sad as hell. It's a huge loss man, Jennings was so cool. He broadcasted for sixty straight hours just after the 9/11 crisis - the entire time staying cool, calm, and collective.
The guy was a freaking rock. When he made his last broadcast, it was clear he was in terrible shape, but if you just kinda closed your eyes and listened only to the words and not his distorted voice, you'd hear the same man you heard for the last several decades.
I keep seeing blurbs here and there on the internet (just saw one on my homepage), so I was curious to see what the TFP'ers had to say about it, so sorry if I'm late. I just wanted to get some of me feelings 'bout the late Peter Jennings out.
I think I'd like to add him to my list of "People I wish i could meet"
I also wish my parents (mom, stepfather, father) would quit smoking too. A few years ago my grandmother died of cancer from smoking, but they just don't learn