Haha, I remember once when I had a report call FULL of B's... prob 6th or 7th grade.. my mom had the nerve to say somethign like, "Why aren't they all A's?". Um yeah, all B's is pretty damn good.
I think I said something along the lines of, "yeah, it's really not that bad at all, so you can kiss my ass."
Next report card period, I purposely did bad to get lower grades (and in 6th grade, low grades don't really matter) and told her, "I bet those B's are lookin pretty good right about now, huh?"
To this DAY I make fun of her for that. My little brother is 8.. sometimes I'll crack jokes like, "Wow, hope you don't cut his head off for doing better than 80% of the other students!!"
I love lamp.