Um.. all other BS aside, why would you ask people to help CHOOSE something when they know absolutely nothing about it? In the end, you're taking a shot in the dark and are ultimately doing more harm than good.
I think that's half the reason why our country is becoming increasingly screwed up. Hell, even politicians try to pretend like they know what they're doing when they clearly DON'T, and it ALWAYS turns out ugly - worst part is, they get away with it!!
Take, for example, Hillary Clinton during this GTA fiasco. She knows nothing about the game and instead relies on what others tell her to draw her conclusions, which are so flat out WRONG it's sickening.
Most Judges know NOTHING about modern technology, but make rulings on it day in and day out.
Voting for a president is a pretty serious thing... please tell me WHY you would want to count the vote of someone who doesn't know one single THING about the thing they are voting for. Please please please, just explain that.
I love lamp.