Originally Posted by Ustwo
My grandfather was in transport after fighting on Iwo Jima and set to invade Japan.
I'm very pleased we dropped those two bombs. I did extensive research on this due to my family connection and the above LA Times article shows typical after the fact self loathing of those who do not understand the situation we faced.
Its also typical for the America hating LA Times and I'll leave it at that.
My grandfather was also on a transport en route to Japan as part of the invasion force. He has told me that he was very glad that the bombs were dropped, as the casualties were
known among the troops to be enormous in a ground assault on the islands of Japan, as the citizens would have fought for every inch of land.
Now, I'm not saying that killing over a hundred thousand civilians is good, but the loss of life was much less through the use of the atomic bombs than would have been on a ground assault. I agree with your comment about the LA Times - I've read a few other of their articles on historical subjects like this.