To me you need a learning tool. Yoga has helped me greatly. It's actually an excercise developed years ago for people that wanted to meditate for many hours at a time.
You get to the physical through focus on the breathing. The main breathing difference is that you breathe in AND out through your nose, which adds heats to your body. I breathe out through my mouth when I'm riding at a higher intensity but through the nose only at lower levels. This all helps me manage my heart rate.
Yoga helps you "quiet your body" so you can use your mind. I ride bikes and it really helps me experience what my body is doing rather than watching a clock. I can ride much longer because I titally get into the physical aspects of what I am doing.
If you're wringing your hands you can't roll up your shirt sleeves.
Stangers have the best candy.
Last edited by thingstodo; 08-08-2005 at 03:18 AM..