Originally Posted by Rodney
(quoting the LA Times)
These unpleasant historical facts were censored from the 1995 Smithsonian exhibit, an action that should trouble every American. When a government substitutes an officially sanctioned view for publicly debated history, democracy is diminished.
I know a man who has in his posession all the materials censored from that 1995 exhibit. It includes VERY graphic photography and documentation of the devastation the bombs caused on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. It was stuff the government evidently didn't want the US public to see--but I don't understand why not. The point of dropping the bomb was to horrify people out of ever using it again, solidifying its MAD-doctrine role as the ultimate deterrant. Why not own up to the damage it caused and rally people behind an Auchwitz-style "never again" slogan? Wouldn't that have been just as politically useful as the denial that was thrown up instead?
You can see much of the censored Smithsonian exhibit at