Well, since this thread has been brought back from the dead...let me just remind you that at any speed above 40mph, your chance of suffering a fatality is hugely increased. From 65 to 75 to 85, you're almost equally likely to die. Why not allow motorists to continue at a more comfortable speed if safety really is not an issue?
Most drivers feel the most comfortable at around 75mph on the highway. American highway systems are build for this speed in mind - after all, no designer was ignorant enough to believe that every motorist would go the posted speed limit. Highways are intended to be safe at speeds far faster than what's posted. I've studied it greatly, and it's almost certain that, if limits are abolished, most speeds will average around the 75mph mark.
Increasing speed also decreases speed variance; that is, the speed at which cars pass each other. This is the most likely time for a crash - if the cars get out of each other's way sooner, then this time will decrease. Now, if other distractions were decreased, such as the mom talking on the cell phone, listening to the kids, and playing with the DVD player all at the same time, then saftey would be far more assured than keeping speed limits at the antiquated mark of 55mph.
Pennsylvania has recently increase the speed limit on the Turnpike to 65mph all along the route (before it was 55 in Philadelphia and raised to 65 outside of the city). Guess what? Less people are speeding, and even fewer people are speeding by a gross margin (85+). Surprise? Not really.
"I've made only one mistake in my life. But I made it over and over and over. That was saying 'yes' when I meant 'no'. Forgive me."