If I were to have to answer a yes or no if I support the current war in Iraq, I would have to say yes. Not because I support war but because my son tells me he is proud of the work he and his fellow Marines as well as all the soldiers and sailors and airmen are doing there. He takes pride in the Iraqis he has helped train to protect their own country and he is happy when the ordinary Iraqi thanks him for his being there and the help that those like him have brought. But I suppose that someone will argue that me having a son there makes me biased. However I will take the bias he gives me over the bias that the commercialized media provides any day. I just wish he didn't have to be there to give it to me.
As far as rationing fuel and other items... I'd think it good for us to go without for a change. To say that we are a rich society is inaccurate, we are a SPOILED society. We as a society have no concept of basic needs it seems.
And I realize I am as bad as anyone. I have so many things that I take for granted that I wouldn't even imagined existing whilst growing up. A gas guzzling SUV with heated seats and six disc CD changer. A cell phone that I can use nearly anywhere that is so small I sometimes have to look closely for when I "need" it. Not only a powerful computer that fits in a small box, but one that is connected by a piece of caoxial cable to millions of other computers all over the world with more information and entertainment than I could ever have time to access let alone use.
I think some rationing, some doing without and some serious rethinking of what we think we have to have and what we really need would give us a pretty good humbling.
Don't always trust the opinions of experts.