The wolf slowed down a bit and wandered nearby onto the grass. Simon decided to follow, assuming there was a reason for the diversion.
"Actually," the wolf said as he lowered himself to the ground, resting his head on his paws, "i'm really tired. So let's get some rest, hmm? Tomorrow is another day."
Simon was a bit taken back by this, and knew he would spend the night restless anyway. He looked around, however, and realized that the wolf had been leading, and he couldn't see much of anything. The moon was taking the night off, it seemed, and the stars provide little illumination out in the barren country where he found himself.
"So," he thought to himself, "I can't go anywhere even if I want to. I can't see shit."
Tired as he was, Simon decided to give in to the night. The wolf had his chance earlier, and he didn't take it. Hunger or no, he believed the wolf meant him no harm. As he pondered the events of the day and his conversations with the wolf, the night took hold of him, and his eyelids fell.
"WAKE UP!" yelled the voice of the wolf, startling Simon awake. Simon stood upright instantly, his heart racing. It was day, and the sun was staring him in the face.
"WHAT??" he yelled back, frantically, still trying to get his bearings and wake himself up.
"I've been trying to wake you up for like 10 minutes, sleeping beauty. I even chucked a rock at your head, nothing. So, I started yelling."
"So what's the emergency?" Simon asked as he tried to calm his breathing.
"No emergency. I was awake and bored. You were still asleep. Besides, it's late morning, we need to be going if we're going to make it there today."
Finally tired of the guessing games and the riddles, Simon leaned way down to the wolf and spoke directly to him, face to face. "Where... are... we... going?"
"Don't play tough guy with me, mister. I'm a WOLF. You got that? WOLF."
The wolf started walking away, calling for Simon to follow him. "Come on human, we got walking to do."
Last edited by analog; 08-07-2005 at 12:39 AM..