Emptiness/Loneliness and meeting women
So yeah, ever since my breakup(first in an extended relationship, 1 and a half years) about a month and a half ago, I've felt really lonely and empty. I've tried meeting new chicks, and I've met a few, I've done more with my friends, I've been working, but even at work I still feel it sometimes. I mean like tonight, I went out with one friend to the bar for a few hours, then came home and my other friend came over for a while, and I still feel extremely *alone* and unconnected.
How do I deal with this? Are my only options meeting someone new, or giving it time?
I mean hell, I'd love to meet someone new, but unfortunately chicks I've encountered who have personality/interests that genuinely mesh with mine are also extremely unattractive. So basically if someone who I find attractive, is comfortable with me, is a female, and is single "comes along", I doubt it will be soon. I had to wait 19 years for someone to "come along" like that(she "fell into my lap"). I feel like I'm either going to have to settle for someone who I really don't want/doesn't fit me, or set out on some needle in a haystack type search. I don't really want to date around and then end up with the least evil person. How did you find that next someone you really liked?