Have to agree. Pennywise, poundfoolish?

Three months and it'll be stale. Three more and it'll seem old. What are you doing that needs that much processor? Drop to a midrange 939 and use the extra money for video. It'll help your framerate more than the last 25% of processor performance. Save the extra funds and upgrade the processor again in 6mo.
Is your work multithreaded? You would get better bang with multiple processors, say midrange Xeons on a good server board. Just over $600 for the processors and board and you get four cores. You could set up two of these (8 cores) for the price of one X2 4800 w/board. Not as good for games but we don't know your purpose.
I still like the DFI 939 boards but it really depends on the job. At the bleeding edge different boards have different strengths. For a tightly tuned gaming rig I still like DFI's LANParty.