I feel like walking in front of a bus...
Today was a crappy day at work, lots of bitchy people on the phone, and I just wasn't feeling it. I left a little early, as I'd been working OT today and gave the girl I've been seeing a call. To cheer up, I took her out to dinner and a show in downtown austin.
Dinner was fine, and the show was good, although the band seriously needed an intervention with its addiction to distortion pedals. When we got outside, I put my arm around the girl and walked to my car. Well, I walked to where I had parked my car. It was gone. The cars on both sides of it were still there, but it was gone. I freaked out. I called the police, and gave them the plate numbers, and they said it hadn't been reported being towed, so they would send an officer out.
So there I am, sitting in disbelief when a guy came up to me, trying to sell me weed. I told him no, I don't smoke, although I was seriously contemplating it at the moment, and explained that my car had just been stolen. He laughed and said it hadn't been stolen, he'd watched a dude in a tow truck pull up, hook up to it, and drive away. He even gave me the name of the tow truck.
So I call the towing company, and yeah they have my car. They didn't know it by the make and model as I'd expect, but when i said it was the only car in the lot with out-of-state plates, they said they did have it. Bleh. They told me it would be $156.89 to get it out of the lot. I went to the nearest ATM, luckily only a block away and withdrew the amount I'd need to get it out, plus 20 bucks for a cab. This left my bank balance at -$12.56. Thank god for automatic overdraft protection. Unfortunately I got paid this morning, and had paid rent already counting on the rest of my check to get me thru the week.
I got a cab and went to the towing place, and other than them giving me shit because I didn't have exact change (I had to give them an extra $0.11), getting my car out was pretty painless. On the way home I was just getting into a better mood, as I had my car back and although this was gonna be the week I ate ramen for 3 meals a day, I would survive and be happy.
The girl I've been with was so supportive thru the whole thing I was feeling great. Until about halfway into the ride home she said we needed to talk and sprang the "We should just be friends..." speech on me. I do love the girl, and understand completely. We will make much better friends than anything else, but the timing was atrocious. I'm upset, but I'm dealing. It will be for the best I think.
So I took her home and drove home by myself, no music, just thinking and listening to the rain and the tires on the pavement. Shhhhhhh, vroom, thunka thunka thunka. A flat fucking tire! Have you ever changed a tire in the fucking rain? in the dark? On a fucking german made car where everything is backwards? Its no fucking fun.
This has been my day, I want to know who up there I fucking pissed off so I can apologize before anything else happens. With my luck so far, my apartment will burn down tonite and fall on my car and I'll escape with nothing but my underwear. That would figure.
Send happy thoughts or stories my way tonite, I could use em.
There are no absolute rules of conduct, either in peace or war. Everything depends on circumstances.
Leon Trotsky