Originally Posted by pan6467
Mcgwire was very talented ..... I don't think he started until it was obvious to him talent alone wasn't enough. He saw guys like Belle and JR crushing his stats clean and he needed that help.
Plus he had some health problems at the start so maybe he felt the 'roids would help him "catch up" so to speak.
Canseco does chronicle his happenings with McGwire in his early career. Canseco tries not to take anything away from the guys and points out that McGwire and Palmeiro are both very good natural hitters, but as someone else said, McGwire didn't hit that many HR's in 1998 without the steroids that Jose introduced him to early in his career.
As for Albert Belle's rages, I assume you mean .. emotional? I really don't remember Belle all too well -- I think I've seen vids of him get pissed and charge the mound - but Canseco makes a strong claim that the steroids he uses and reccomends have no emotional side effects. He makes several good points as to why they don't and how the media blows things way out of proportion.
You honestly can't say that anyone since the Jose Canseco era that has had godly power numbers is surefire not a steroid user..... I mean, of all people, nice, quiet, under the radar Rafael Palmeiro gets caught. Of all the power hitting players, he gets caught. Maybe the book has biased me, but I strongly believe that had I not read it, I would back my claim up that anything goes now - anyone who I previously thought for SURE was not a 'roid user for one reason or another could be.
They may not all be obvious like Giambi, Bonds, hell, McGwire, but I wouldn't doubt if many of them used steroids.
As for the comments on the book -- I gotta agree with what Montana said. At first it did come off that way. I kept reading and sorta looked past that to the deeper meaning of it. I must say it would have been nicer if he had followed through and stopped using stupid examples.