Politico, compared to the state of Iraq's government, NK is doing quite fine. It appears NK chose the correct route.
Secondly, the benefits that non-nuclear powers where supposed to get are being given to non-NPT signatories. India. Isreal.
Thirdly, the nuclear powers are not living up to their end of the bargain.
Forthly, the NPT was used as an excuse to invade and topple a government with no nuclear weapons program. The nation that did the invasion is unapologetic about its lies and deception, and has started using the same excuse to threaten a neighbouring nation.
North Korea withdrew from the NPT, just like the Americans withdrew from the anti-ballistic-missile treaty. North Korea, with nuclear weapons, is not under threat of invasion.
Non-NPT nations are getting all of the benefits of NPT membership (India and Isreal).
The treaty and it's application is morally bankrupt. The end of the cold war, the invasion of Iraq, the new India/Pakistan nuclear powers, the withdrawl of North Korea from the treaty, the withdrawl of the USA from the ABM treaty, American plans to beef up their nuclear arsinal with tactical weapons for use against non-nuclear nations -- all are extrodinary events that could, and possibly should, justify an Article X withdrawl from the treaty.
The NPT is morally bankrupt.
Last edited by JHVH : 10-29-4004 BC at 09:00 PM. Reason: Time for a rest.