No. The NPT is signed by most nations in the world.
Non-nuclear nations, in exchange for not seeking nuclear weapons, get help with non-weapon nuclear technology. In addition, the nuclear nations agreed in principle to reduce their arsinals and stop or slow down the ridiculous nuclear death spiral.
If non-nuclear nations gain neither of the benefits (nuke nations help with non-military technology and nuke nations stoping or slowing down the arms race), they should withdraw.
Josh, compare S. Africa to Isreal and India. S. Africa was the first small nation to publicly claim to have nuclear weapons. If I remember rightly (and I'm fuzzy on this), S. Africa's nuclear capabilities is why they started up the NPT agreements.
The USA defines what is a rogue nation, and has demonstrated an unflinching willingness to lie and make up evidence in order to justify doing whatever it pleases. Recently, it seems to please to invade a nation every presidential reelection cycle. Having nuclear weapons seems to be an effective -- if not the only effective -- way to prevent this.
Remember, the regeme in Iraq was a heavily US-backed one just two decades ago. The regime in Afghanistan was armed and trained by US money. The regime in Afghanistan even offered to put Bin Laden up for trial to see if he was guilty, but the USA demanded unconditional capitulation. Being a friend of the USA isn't a defence. Iraq at least claims that they asked the USA if invading Kuwait in response to Kuwaiti cross-border drilling was acceptable, and claims that the USA was ok with it -- so, it is possible that even doing what the USA says is alright isn't even a defence against being invaded.
But, if you are belligerant, childish, egotistical dictator with nuclear weapons, you are treated with kid gloves and fed technological and economic aid.
Possibly South Africa managed a good deal by getting rid of his nukes. But India and Pakistan, both of which built nukes well into the non-proliveration era, are getting even sweeter deals than South Africa did, and get to keep their weapons for future bargaining chips.
So, I'm asking you, why stay in the NPT? You get a much better deal outside of it.
Last edited by JHVH : 10-29-4004 BC at 09:00 PM. Reason: Time for a rest.