Originally Posted by Derwood
So why are (some) Liberal's like this? Why can't these bogus issues be left to the Jerry Falwells and Pat Buchanan's of the political spectrum? When will Liberals actually act like open-minded, forward thinking people as their title suggests?
2000, 2002, 2004
But a bit more seriously, liberals want to control your life as much as any conservative does. There is no more freedom in extreme liberalism than you find in extreme conservatism.
Likewise US liberalism is not related to the original definition. There is nothing forward thinking about it. Its a different mind set than us evil conservatives, but no matter how you label it, even when they try to call them selves 'progressive' its still the same old tired ideas and rhetoric.
Finally its an easy sell. The democrats have been on the ropes since 1994. Its a lot easier to talk about a non-issue that sounds good than tackle real problems which might piss off one of their major interest groups.