Originally Posted by Gilda
Katie was bisexual as a teen. Growing up, the two of us were both delighted to let Sissy do girl stuff with us, so I have no doubt that she would have been neither surprised nore would she have objected to Sissy's being transsexual.
Wow… unusually high amount of sexual “disorders” in your family? Where your parents involved in drugs in anyway that may have changed balances during pregnancy?
Originally Posted by Gilda
What about when the vagina is formed will “she” still tell men the truth before intimacy?
That's up to her.
Personally I think the same standards should apply as to a natal woman. Under what circumstances should a woman reveal to her partner the intimate details of her past, especially those that are emotionally sensitive? That's the standard I think should apply.
I think she should before forming an emotionally intimate commitment to a man, as I think being honest about your sexual history is important to forming a strong relationship.
My point
If “she” were to not tell somebody first, and have sex with them.
“She’s” now at a much higher risk for that stuff you talk about, if he finds out afterwards!
I could see somebody having a trans-panic. Not that I think they should kill “her”, but i would say they would likely feel deceived and might lose their cool.
Or just as bad
That guy might fall in love and want to enter a serious relationship.
Now “she” would be conflicted because “she” probably likes the guy, but doesn’t want to jeopardize the relationship.
What if he asked her to Marry her?
“She” can’t have biological children or anything like that. He would figure it out sooner or later.
I think she should alwasy tell.
I sypathize, because people that are intrested in that are probobally intrested in it as a sextual thing and not really looking for a relationship.
Tough call best of luck. If I ask you out tell me!
All I’m saying is that I as a previously not sketched out
(didn’t really know there where “girls” out there of college age and especially not ones that are supposed to be hot!)
Currently way sketched out dude. I would like to know!
P.S. If “she” goes to either WSU or UI please send me a watch out PM

{lot of people like that around here anyway we got a drag show and stuff... sketchy i've never been, but i just assumed i'd be able to tell....}
That said it’s a tough situation and I sympathize. I wish you “her” and your “wife” the best, and thank you for taking enough effort to decipher my post!