So where's the "Centuries of Christian doctrine leading to a totally ass-backwards notion of sexuality in the United States" option? That's my vote. Sex is, for some reason, one of the most taboo subjects out there - sure, there are indications of it in popular media, and probably a majority of advertisement is sexually oriented, but when it really comes down to it, nobody wants to talk about it. People are ashamed to kiss in public because of what other people think. The publications that claim to genuinely talk about sex (i.e. Cosmopolitan) are in fact sensationalist and completely disgusting (1,000,000,064 ways to make your man completely lose his individuality and opinions and instead do whatever you tell him). That's where the real problem is.
When it comes to the immediate situation, however, two parties are equally at fault, neither of which are on the poll: sensationalist media and ignorant parents. The media has a long history of misrepresenting lots of different things solely for ratings. True journalism is awfully hard to come by these days when Fox has a "news" program. The media totally misled consumers, politicians, lawyers, everyone involved. Everyone here should know that.
Which brings me to my next point; people who haven't played the game nor spoken to/read from people who have played the game have no basis for their opinions. How can Hillary Clinton "demand" that the game be rated Mature? Has she played it? Does she know anything about the plot? How about the gameplay? Does she know that the main story of the game revolves around you cleaning up San Andreas and ridding it of the drug and alcohol culture that it has sunken into? Clearly the answer to all of these is "Fuck off, bitch. Do some reading before you open your mouth. Unless it's to suck your husband's dick, which you obviously never do. And you wonder why he cheats on you." But I digress.
Getting back to who's at fault. The other people responsible are, of course, the parents. See, as one example, the thread about the 85 year old woman suing Rockstar because they "misled" her about the game. Every advertisment for the game showed the main character stealing at least one vehicle, carrying and firing weapons, and gratuitous violence and explosions. The entire series revolves around the ability to steal any car, at any time, and do whatever you want with it, and that includes running people over, doing drive by shootings, and having sex with hookers in the back seat, then running them over to reclaim your hard earned cash. Explain to me exactly which part of the advertisment campaign led you to believe that the game was suitable for your (sheltered, prissy, bound to be emotionally scarred by poor parenting) grandchild.
Put that in your pipe and smoke it, you bitches.