Originally Posted by Superbelt
Well, Ustwo is on record here supporting our alliance with Uzbekistan because of the strategic benefits we received from them, and despite the clear attrocities that that government was committing.
What's a few tortured and murdered brown people when there are American interests to be secured?
Ustwo quotes from that thread
Superbelt you are back! I've missed you so much
In ignoring this thread, since it was basically a troll from the start, I missed you quoting me.
And damn straight I supported our 'alliance' at the time, because we needed them and we had vital interests at stake. If we took the road to hell with good intentions and didn't get a base there, odds are our little dictator would still be in power, and we would have been short a badly needed airbase. So now the guy flakes out a bit because we are saying maybe it’s a bad idea to kill people and kicks us off the base. I am unaware of how vital this base currently is, but if it is still vital then the State Department needs an asskicking, its not their job to endanger the lives of American service men, if its not so vital then good riddance, it served its purpose.
Ironically this IS the same policy most of the world wanted us to take with Iraq. Lift the sanctions and work with Saddam, I'm sure we can make things better in the long run, after everyone gets rich.