I should have made that more clear...Im sorry...you of course can put a url link up to anywhere like when we post a news article and we post the link from where it came from. It that same article had a picture with it and you used the img tags and THEIR url in the tag information...thats hotlinking...its also called bandwidth theft because anytime the thread is opened and that picture is loaded, its not using the bandwidth here its using the bandwith of the site url you posted, and they are having to pay for the bandwith all the people on this site are using to load their picture.
img linking from your own yahoo account, which you pay for and the bandwidth is yours is ok to do. Thats why any img you see me post here is pulled from my own website. (or added as an attachment if its a thread that allows that)
I want the diabetic plan that comes with rollover carbs. I dont like the unused one expiring at midnite!!