Originally Posted by onesnowyowl
Indirectly, I came because of the titty board (the member who introduced me to TFP joined because of the TB). Still, I don't think having free-for-all TB access would attract the kind of member TFP wants or desires; I would rather see new members come because a friend invited them, or they heard about it on their campus, or they were looking for something unrelated to porn. While I don't have a problem with people coming here for porn, if that is their only reason for being here and their only reason for posting, they need to reconsider their committment to this community. Fortunately we have a great group of mods who keep the ship tight.
My only worry is that new members turn into lurkers  I don't like lurkers.
So in other words you don't like many of our mods, admins, and current posters?

(Yes I know I'm putting words into your mouth)
Think about what you are saying, YOU would not be here if it weren't for the TB. Directly or indirectly, you would have never heard of TFP. Yes it would be nice if only 'quality' people were to join, but the titty board is a giant neon sign.