Dreaming: more then whats in your head?
Iv been intrested in lucid dreaming and have posted here for awhile and noticed a number of other topics about dreaming and LD's. I have been intrested in lucid dreaming for a couple of years now I guess. I had succsesfully lucid dreamed only a number of times as I still suffer from trouble waking up after becoming lucid (getting much better at it now im working on it daily agian) Lately my intrest perked up in Lucid dreaming when my regular dreams took on a new acpect: Instead of feeling motionless in bed, I now am able to touch, smell, and feel the contents of my dream. I had a dream where I was running from something (i belive I was involved in a bank? robbery (my dreams are usually fragment as I have 3 to 4 a night)) and moved through a system of water tunnels to escape. I could smell the dank pipes and feel the cool temputer as my body impossibly bent and twisted to fit though the narrow spaces. I arrived in a washroom at a theater and talking to a female patron standing around I give her a kiss on the cheek. As my lips touched her face I relized I was dreaming and that I could feel the soft texture and heat of her body. I put my arm on her and pulled her around and could feel my mouth agianst her and my/her tongue. That was the first incident of many new levels of interaction. The dream ended with me running out to the parking lot and as I tried continuly to elbow in the window of a futuristic looking SUV to drive away in an older women pulled up and offered me a ride to the airport, on the trip I awakened (unimportant but the finish of that nights dreams) After reading more and more into lucid dreaming amd uncovering a mass of people which belive it can also be much more then just manifestions of ones sub-conscious. They ranged from Out of body experinces to the belief that LDs can be a gateway to meeting/exploring new being and plains outside of there own excistense. This also lead to to read some stuff on near death experiences. I have always found lucid dreaming to be safe (never had any threating sense of danger) and contained to my own subconsicous (also debatable since iv never quistioned to discover if any of it is coming to me externally) I also belive that people have all these weird and bizzarre rules formed basicly around somone elses ideas. Most people intrested in OBE's have heard about "The silver thread" and also have been warned of the dangers of it. Im just curious if there are other lucid dreamers out there who have ideas/thougts and opinions on this? Id love to find out.