I blame everybody in this controversy.
Rockstar: As a game entertainment company, they do have a responsbility as programmers and when they decide that it's a good idea to add more adult material (along with killing people, jacking cars, etc) and hide it and call it "Hacker did it!!!" Yeah, that's a real dumb way of accepting their share of responsbility for providing entertainment to kids.
Hot Coffee Mod: I fail to see how they're responsible for it, they found something that Rockstar hid in the game and made it public. Period.
Left Wing, Right Wing, Up Wing, Down Wing, Center Wing: Everybody overreacts, one way or the other, people are gonna find out about what sex is all about and finding it within a video game, especially ones filled with violence, isn't surprising.
Parents: Weren't they the one who lets their kids purchase the game in the first place? Especially games filled with extreme violence?
Looking out the window, that's an act of war. Staring at my shoes, that's an act of war. Committing an act of war? Oh you better believe that's an act of war