Originally Posted by Charlatan
Fair enough... any idea how to treat the disease?
I'd love to hear some suggestions from anyone.
If we assume as a starting point that it is wrong to deny opportunity on the basis of race/gender/etc., not only in government but in business as well, then we have to first know why that discrimination happens, and I can see four primary reasons:
1. Overt racism/sexism: This is the monster we all know and think of when we talk racism. The old white guy that just simply won't have one of those no good whatevers working for him, to paint a stereotype. This is a lot rarer than it used to be, in a large part because the society, including government, has made this an unacceptable position.
2. Indirect racism/sexism: This is when an employer who may not even think of themselves as racist will discriminate, sometimes unintentionally, against a certain group based on alternative rationale (not directly against the groups race or sex) but some other factor. For example, one may feel it fair to account for a 'PMS factor' as an inherent consideration when hiring women.
3. Social considerations: While an employer may harbor no ill will to or apply negatives to a group, it is human nature to form bonds with those of similar social behavior as ourselves. While the employer may not discriminate against a person, that person may suffer in consideration because they don't share various social norms such as accent, etc. with the employer.
4. Inherent inequality: Outside of an employer's control, the pool of available qualified employees may be tilted towards one group or another. For example, because of social matters not under the employer's control, the pool of good nurses is heavily female. To form a group of nurses that is evenly male and female, one would possibly have to unfairly decline a position to a female which may be better qualified than a male.
Each of these is a different problem with its own solutions. Affirmative action does a good job against the first, is partially effective against 2 and 3 and is counter-effective in cases of #4.