There are some terrible suggestions in here. Televisions are extremely dangerous for months after they have been plugged in. The discharge instructions were okay, but it's really important to have a good grounded screwdriver attached to the chasis if it is plugged with a grounded plug or somehow attach to cold water pipe. There is a reason the wire insulation is really thick on that one. Make sure you are NOT a path to ground for it's discharge. Three or four pokes should discharge most televisions with a nice crackpop. Problem is any TV with a microprocessor in it is unlikely to be fixed without replacing the whole thing.
Once that is done, it's pretty damn safe.
Other notes: to fix a tv when a kid attaches a magnet to it: You need a degaussing coil that has a random magnetic field and it will fix the little mesh screen that separates color phospors (wires on a trinitron).
TVs are tuned in a neutral magnetic field to counter the earth's effects on the beam. (different positions on a tv change it's performance over time).
HDTV sets have lots more adjustments in software to adjust the picture.
When your television set breaks down and needs repairing bad,
lotsa luck pal, lotsa luck.
You look through the yellow pages for an honest looking ad,
lotsa luck pal, lotsa luck.
When you call him he will say your set must go into the shop,
and he takes it, in his truck.
Three months later when he brings it back it's someone elses set,
besides he drops it down the steps so lotsa luck.
-Allan Sherman
I'm a happy boy, happy boy,
way to get when things are going your way. Hey Hey.
...Pretty sure I asked for Pecan Sandies...