My thoughts are this:
The Hot Coffee mod is totally overblown.
Yes, Rockstar wrote it, they at one time were probably going to have it be an interesting little mini-game in their overall game. I'm guessing, that between all the murdering, drugs, robbery and other senseless violence that they wouldn't have figured it would have changed their rating for the game at all. Then they went to the ratings boards, got shut down, and then they fixed it in the fastest possible way for them. All of the content (textures, animations, code for the gameplay) was already put in to the build system, and noone is willing to take it out completly because noone is willing to risk that it will break something and they will have to take the blame. (Have you seen the nipple texture? it looks like it could have just been a reused dirt texture, seriously.)
I also believe (and this is where I may be wrong) that the actual mod itself was found by another individual without any help from Rockstar (who had probably forgotten that the code was even still in there, otherwise they probably would have taken it out for the PC release). Perhaps someone was browsing through the textures, and noticed some o-faces for the characters, and wondered if there was something going on while your camera was in the other room. Or perhaps it was a boredr Rockstar employee, it doesn't really matter.
The fact of the matter is:
This game was rated for people aged 17 and up.
This game is now rated for people aged 18 and up.
One year difference, I'm not really seeing it myself. 17 year olds can see non-pixalated boobies in rated R movies (also 17 and up), so does that one year really make any difference?
Why is there so much fuss in a game about some titties in a game where you can shoot cops or random innocent people for fun? It just doesn't make sense to me. No sense at all.
And on another note:
In order to get the Hot Coffee mod, you must get it off of the internet. You may have heard that the internet is full of pornography, and I will attest, that there is much pornography to be had on the internet. I would suspect that any kid who has enough access to the internet to be downloading the Hot Coffee mod already has viewed a lot of pornography, and this isn't going to be much of a shock to them.