You have to make her believe that and understand that she cannot blame poor teachers and classroom size for poor performance. I sat in college with 300-500 other students in one room - the professors look right through you and it is up to YOU to read and study to make the grade. If she wants to get into college, she must have more pride in her future than that, get-by attitude.
That is the issue here. As a freshman, she is probably still under the impression that good grades are just keep your parents off your ass. The truth, which we all know, is that those grades are all steps, the stronger the steps you build up to college the easier that threshold is to cross.
If she insists on taking things as easy as they will come - sure, she may pass her courses, but no college worth its reputation wants a half-ass, do-it-to-get-by student.
Her grades should become a source of pride and self-motivation. I would not make her retake the course. I faltered in my freshman year too. I came from a private elementary school that pushed grades and classwork so hard - I thought I'd BREEEZE through high school. I sobered up and ended up with 5 semesters of 3.7 or better and got into a great university.
Do praise her for the excellent showing in the other courses. Make sure that you don't focus on her weaknesses...celebrate her strengths too. That may help with that sense of pride too.
In all this, I have to say, i DO NOT miss school! LOL
Maybe it was over when she chucked me out the Rover at full speed.
Maybe Maybe...