Originally Posted by hulk
Oh man, pity you're having such a hard time with it, PoP2 is such an awesome game. That first boss is a right bitch, as you said (even beating it completely on normal I got trunced playing again on hard) but once you grow on it a little it's great. The combat isn't it's strong point, the freedom of running the walls, flipping from poles and launching baddies from gigantic towers just rocks.
After a few days spent getting control of the...controls, (
) I have to say, I'm liking it a bit better.
Actually, the combat is one of the reasons I keep playing it. The buttons are still a bit clunky, but at least the combos are starting to make sense a bit. Like I said, I really, really want to like the game. I like the freedom to run and do anything I want. I just wish the camera wasn't so damn irritating. And even that I could overlook, if the map was better (think...Splinter Cell 3 / Metroid Prime 2).