heh - the customs tree. Good title, just not true . . . they were really nice people after all, and I got through without removing my trousers - which in those particular circumstances is considered a good thing.
Thanks for the positive comments folks - I just kept drifting along and forgetting to pull out my pad so I only did the bit I posted here.
These are all pencil sketches ohh shesus. The combination of my scan and the monitor seems to cluster pixels into a look more like stippling in some cases. One thing I noticed is when I save a drawing and open it in windows picture viewer it is a much truer look than the http look that I see in a thread. I really noticed that first in the Night Air pic I posted a short while ago - flyman commented on the look and I had only paid attention really to the windows view, and they were quite different on my laptop.
Thanks again everybody - I had the time of my life there and the weekend format was perfect. Thankyou Tecoyah!
And now to disengage the clutch of the forebrain ...
I'm going with this - if you like artwork visit http://markfineart.ca