There seems to be a common theme of 'I came for the boobs stayed for the love' or variations along that theme, also a lot of people have said that despite coming to see tits they rarely visit the titty board now (sure, I believe you).
From that it's obvious that the board works fine as a standalone disscussion board without the porn. What it needs is another way to attract new members-assuming this will freshen and speed things up around here.
I have noticed a slow down but is it typical to the tfp or are other boards noticing this problem?
I think to dangle porn as a recruitment drive is to exclusive -it can only be a good thing to try and introduce the tfp to people who aren't just looking for free tits, this would encourage a braoder range in the type of person who signs up. Since it's the broad range available for discussion and the moderation standard which are the tfp's main appealing factors (once you've got past the titty board) this seems to make sense.
So keep the titty board as a perk and focus on getting a broad a range of newbies as possible. If this were a company I would suggest a rebrand and a marketing drive