i didn't even know there was the TB when i registered here. hahaha
maybe twice since i was given access have i bothered to even sneak a peek. i've seen boobs & all other body parts, big, small, beautiful & ugly. there's so much more to life than naked bodies. i suppose it boils down to how you want to spend your valuable time.
actually, i enrolled in the nonsense forum firstmost & foremost & my hat still largely hangs there. i've made some nice friends in the nonsense forum.
but i also venture into the creativity forums & occasionally when i'm really bored, i'll look elsewhere on tfp, such as tonight. hello! here i am in general - omg!

but i'm not a big serious discussions kind of person. i'm the ignorant wise cracker & the art appreciater.
anyway, most boards are always slow in summer, over holidays & weekends. it's just the nature of the beast vs people have lives to live outside of sitting in front of a computer. personally, i don't see any need to draw in a bunch of new boobie lurking bandwidth wasters. what do i know? not much.