Originally Posted by pan6467
BTW I don't need bullshit tests or slogans or people lecturing me on prejudices..... I judge a person on 2 things only: the respect they shows me (if they respect me as I respect them) and attitude. If I see a person tell me I owe them because of the color of their skin, their sex or whatever...... I tell them to go f-off. I owe noone anything and they owe me nothing.
And I applaud the sentiment. But tests like the one mentioned above show very real results. I'm sorry you find them to be bullshit. I can want to believe a particular way, and successfully act a particular way. But until I know the creepy crawlies deep inside, I don't believe I can successfully beat them.
I'm glad there are people like you operating at a higher level, I guess. I just figured that level could do without the swearing and all caps.