I learned how to drive on a 1972 VW Super Beetle 1600 with a four speed. I blame the laziness of the general motoring community for the vast abundance of automatics on the market. People "need" to multi-task while driving, so having to shift too...that is just too much. I tell 'em to hang up the phone, put the paper down, and shave and eat breakfast BEFORE you leave the house.
I wish there were more manual transmissioned cars being built. But, when the consumer buys an automatic...guess what's gonna get built.
However, even the most diehard is forced to admit...when it comes to heavy traffic, it's hard to beat a slushbox, really. I hate traffice, and I detest the cities. If I had to live and commute like that, I wouldn't even consider a do-it-yourself gearbox.
Generally speaking, if you were to get what you really deserve, you might be unpleasantly surprised.