Nehoos [Synonyms: Anyhoo, Anyway, Anyhow]
[Pronunciation guide: Eny-hooz]
This conundrum is a product of being 'fucked' and using something known as 'the internet’. Technically a phonetical abbreviation of anyhoo, which is in turn an alteration of anyway.
Confusion arises when pack members who are 'fucked' try to communicate with adjoining prides that are not 'fucked'. More often than not, the word nehoos is read as spelt, producing confusion similar to losing one shoe but not the other, as the non-'fucked' person pronounces it as nee-hoos. This, of course, means absolute bollocks. Therefore a lengthy explanation making candid references to 'gibbering inanely at a pot plant' and 'bubs', while not actually giving a direct meaning of the word nehoos must be given.
Elephants have a similar usage of this in their language, as signalled by “hoof, hoof, trumpet, hoof, crap, trumpet”.
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